Hey everybody!

Have you ever wished you could talk to God or maybe, that you had a guardian angel to call upon? Have you ever felt alone? I mean, all alone? That there’s no one listening? No one cares? The weight of the world is on your shoulders? The mess you’re into is so surmountable, you can’t find anyway out? 

I’m gonna take you back quickly to a time when that was me. 

It was New Year’s Eve 2009 turning 2010. The banking crisis was in full recession. People were losing their homes, businesses where closing and people were losing their 401K’s not being able to retire. Credit card companies were cutting off creditors, closing their credit card accounts. 

That was me. I owned a restaurant. I was $60,000 deep in debt. The credit card that I used for business purchases had just been closed due to my newly delinquent lowering credit score from having several delinquent payments. I was bouncing employee’s paychecks. And I had New York State sales tax demanding payment on sales tax I collected but used to pay food purveyors and bills. Not to mention the accruing late fee charges being added daily. 

That was were I was and I threw caution to the wind. It would be my last hurray. My family has a home in the Florida Keys and because it was a “free” vacation, I went. I went because I had to escape. I had to run away. I couldn’t fight anymore. 

A brand new year, January 1st, 2010 I sat at the Florida Bay and I cried my eyes out. Literally. I was hurt. I was beaten down. I was exhausted. I was in submission. I always had this feeling I was suppose to operate my restaurant. So as I cried my eyes out I started screaming to God. One of things I distinctly remember yelling is, “If this is what you want me to do, you better help me because I can’t do this by myself anymore!” And more tears streamed down my face.  

I came back to New York the tenth of January and by the end of January, twenty days after crying my eyes out at the Florida Bay, ALL my debt was either forgiven or put on a payment plan that I could easily afford. All of my debt was literally wiped away. I was able to financially recuperate, recreate myself, my restaurant and with childlike imagination I started working with joy at my restaurant rebuilding, strengthening and refocusing all year long.  

Somebody heard me. And wait til my next post when you read what happened next!

Peace, Love, You Are Never Alone, 
